Completely handle PrimeNG table load lazy in ASP.NET use PrimeNG.TableFilter

Release note - version 2.0.0

  • Big Refactor code structure for easy maintenance
  • Fully support .Net Core 3.1 and .Net 5
  • Change CI build from .Net Core 2.2 to 3.1
  • Support new PrimeNG multi condition (#14)
  • Official support IEnumerableobject type
  • Fixbug and improvement

My Development team is develop multiple master data preview in table component use the PrimeNG Table. The PrimeNG Table is smart multi-function table component. The component can sorting, searching, multiple condition sorting and UI customization.

PrimeNG table component has a feature "lazy-load", Lazy-load is feature for handle large dataset, This feature can send query payload for paging, sorting, filtering to backend for query you dataset.

Backward to backend,  My Development team use C# ASP.NET Core in backend system. We're manual handle payload query in PrimeNG table lazy-load mode in every master data page and transaction page.

A pain point is we doing routine implement manual handle PrimeNG table lazy-load payload every module in application

I'm release library for shorten way for handle PrimeNG table lazy-load for save the time for implementation in every module for my team.

Helper for use the PrimeNG table load lazy filter in backend use LINQ to Entity - Kusumoto/PrimeNG.TableFilter

PrimeNG.TableFilter is helper library for handle table lazy-load in PrimeNG Table with "One Extension Methods"

PrimeNG.TableFilter use the C# reflection for access the properties in your entity or model and generate LINQ's command for manage iterator or generate SQL command for filter from payload conditions.

In case generate SQL command, PrimeNG.TableFilter has wrapper the Entity Framework for use the LINQ2Entity feature for generate general SQL command. Is means PrimeNG.TableFilter has support all RDMS of Entity Framework support.

Core Feature

Example code snippet
Table sorting
Table multiple condition filter
Mix multiple condition filter and general filter
Auto Pagination


  • PrimeNG.TableFilter is wrapper of Entity Framework, A SQL query generated by Entity Framework, The query performance depend on LINQ2Entity engine.
  • DateTime filtering condition not support (issue #9)
Feature request: implement comparism for Nullable DateTimes and extended methods · Issue #9 · Kusumoto/PrimeNG.TableFilter
Hello again, thank you for this plugin and the great support for the last feature! It would be great to have some new features for filtering ranges of dates in the upcoming version: support compari...

You can find the example ASP.NET Core project.

Contribute to Kusumoto/PrimeNG.TableFilter.Example development by creating an account on GitHub.